HTML Block Tags

Block Tags
HTML Block tag
HTML Block tag

Making Headings or Header Tag

Let’s make the title for the web page a little more eye catching by adding a large, bold heading using the heading tags:
Remember from the previous lesson, things which appear on web pages are enclosed between the opening and closing body tags, that also includes other tags which affect how things are seen on web pages:
<h1>Learning HTML</h1>
The number 1 beside the letter h determines how large the heading will be. It means number is largest one. Any number from 1 to 6 can be used, 1 makes the largest heading, and 6 makes the smallest.

Header Tag Info
Header Tag Info

Heading tags are also called as “block” tags. These kind of tags don’t allow any outside text to line up beside them, you will see the effect in a moment but first let’s see how our HTML file is shaping up:

<title>My First Webpage</title>

<h1>Learning HTML</h1> Look Ma, I'm making a webpage!

Open your web page and this is what the result appears:

Learning HTML
Look Ma, I'm making a webpage!

See how the text outside the h1 tags is on a separate line? This is what block tags do, they occupy the whole line space even if the single word is written between them. Another block tag is the paragraph tag:
Any text put between the opening and closing p tags will makes one paragraph.
Hitting the “Enter” key has no effect on web pages, for that br tag is used.
The br tag is one of the few HTML tags which does not have a corresponding closing tag. These kind of tags are also called as “single” tags. Here is an example of how the br tag can be used in a paragraph:
<p>Look Ma,<br>I’m making a webpage!</p>
The result would look like this:
Look Ma,
I’m making a webpage!

You can also watch the video for this lesson in below:

 For more info you can visit: w3schools
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