Opening and Closing Tags

Tag Title Image
Tag Title Image

HTML code is most commonly used with tags. The majority of tags have both an opening tag and a corresponding closing tag. Every HTML file begins with the following opening tag:
Every HTML file ends with the corresponding closing tag:
Notice the “/” in the closing tag? All closing tags must have this slash. You know why? Because it's a closing tag, it means it is the sign for the closing tag. Below the opening html tag come the opening and closing head tags:
<head> </head>
The head tag doesn't have any affect on what appears on the web page, it's job is just to hold certain other types of tags, one being the title tag:
<title>My First Webpage</title>
Yeah, look at that, there's some text between the opening and closing title tags, this is where the title of a web page is entered, it will appear in the browser's title bar. Here the title of the web page is “My First Webpage”:

HTML tag

Also you can watch the video for the HTML tag here;

Next comes the closing head tag. Remember, a closing tag has a slash ( this thing / ). So this is what the code should look like as in the following:
<title>My First Webpage</title>
Now let's get to putting something on the webpage. Everything that is seen on web pages is found between the opening and closing body tags:
<body> </body>
<title>My First Webpage</title>
Look Ma, I'm Making my first webpage
Notice in the example that the closing html tag was added to the code. This means we are finished (at least for now), so save your code following the instructions given in the introduction of this tutorial.
Curious to see how the webpage looks? Open the webpage in your browser and have a look. See? The text between the body tags is what shows on the webpage. In the next lesson you will be introduced to more tags and what they do.

 Also visit: W3schools
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